Knowledge Chapters

Think the unthinkable

Think the Unthinkable. With and within this world. Propelled by your dreams. Inspired by LABIOMISTA’s unique environment. Sheltered by the freedom of the arts. Empowered by the encounter with others. Discover, remember, cherish, question, learn, translate, pass on. Follow in the footsteps of Archimedes and Euclid and help build our library for the new world, a library of the future. Of your future.

Want to take part in The Unthinkable Experiment?

Find out more about the various options below. Contact us with your ideas to come and work in one of our knowledge boxes as a Young Nomad, alone or with your ‘bubble’. Or register for one of the fixed courses and contribute to our knowledge chapters for the future.

LaMouseion is expecting you!

LaMouseion © Koen Vanmechelen, Kris Vervaeke

Chapter The Future of Education

Part 2 - September 2022

Re-imagine the future of education. Be inspired by artist Koen Vanmechelen and the unique setting of LABIOMISTA. Take on the challenge to imagine the future of education, building on the ideas and proposals of your predecessors. Come think the Unthinkable. In the freedom of the arts. Empowered by the encounter with others. We invite you to embark on a process of mutual discovery and imagination, exchanging of ideas and co-creation of knowledge, together with 9 other young people. An opportunity to meet others and work transdisciplinary on the way we learn for and in the future. In collaboration with Hogeschool PXL and UHasselt

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Chapter Future Garden

Juli 2024

Doe mee met 23 andere jonge, onderzoekende geesten van 18 tot 28 jaar om te ontdekken, te ontleden en te debatteren. Om te dromen, te verbeelden en te creëren. In de vrijheid van de kunst, om mee te bouwen aan de bibliotheek van de toekomst.

Gedurende 10 dagen word je ondergedompeld in het evoluerende kunstwerk LABIOMISTA van Koen Vanmechelen, slaap je op de boerderij, ontdek je Brussel met nieuwe ogen en laat je je inspireren door gerenommeerde kunstenaars en wetenschappers. Samen doorbreken we de grenzen tussen verbeelding en kennis, natuur en cultuur, jezelf en de ander.  Kom het ondenkbare denken, op de grens tussen wildernis en beschaving!

Een unieke ervaring op een uitzonderlijke locatie.
In samenwerking met VUB, ULB, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Universitat Fur Angewandte Kunst Wien and PhiloXenia Belgium.

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Chapter Black Stork Baby


Inspired by the live installation Black Stork Baby, LABIOMISTA in cooperation with Hoge Kempen National Park and UHasselt Field Research Centre initiates the debate around a series of ethical-philosophical themes. Enter the border between culture and nature. And come think and debate with us about the relation human, animal, and nature. About domestication and rewilding. About the importance, the necessity, and the risks of migration. About human's-, animals-, and nature’s rights and responsibility. About the role of animals in nature conservation. And about quarantine, safety, and captivity.


(Young) Nomads


We invite young people  and research organisations into our three knowledge containers to reflect on the future. Would you like to write, research and brainstorm in this unique setting? Are you open to be immersed in Koen Vanmechelen’s Wonderlab? And spend one or more days at LaMouseion? Send us a short motivation. All we ask is that you leave the final result of the knowledge you accumulated in our Library of Collected Knowledge (L.O.C.K), our growing, open-source library of the future / Open for all and for everyone. Discover inspiring ideations, creations and reflections of LaMouseion Nomads or come and participate as LaMouseion Nomad.


Past Chapters

Since the summer of 2021, The Unthinkable Experiment invites young people to LABIOMISTA to work on various chapters for a library of the future. An open library of reflections, discussions and knowledge leads. A testament by young people who, coming out of a series of global lockdowns, dare to seek new insights and knowledge about what our society can look like.